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Sign Live

Salford Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG) have partnered with Online BSL Interpreting Service, SignLive, to enable patients to easily contact their Salford GP practice by telephone.

If you`re a BSL user and registered with a Salford GP, you can now use the service free of charge.

By connecting to a SignLive BSL interpreter you are then able to have a three-way telephone conversation between yourself, interpreter and your GP practice. This could be for anything from making an appointment, checking test results, prescription enquires or raising a query with your practice.

Currently this cannot be used for clinical consultations.

If you are a BSL user, you can SignLive to connect via an Interpreter. Just log in to the SignLive app on iOS, Android, or a web broswer and find SignLive in the Community Directory. When you call, the Interpreter may confirm who you want to get in touch with.

If you have never used SignLive before you will need to register, but all calls through the Community Directory are free of charge.

cartoon image of deaf user, online interpreter and hearing user.png

How to Access SignLive

The first time you use SignLive you will need to register as a one-off. This will keep your account secure and allow them to call you back if needed.

You will receive an email to confirm your account registration.

You can access SignLive from a web browser without having to download anything. Visit Alternatively, you can download the app from Google Play or the App Store.

For any SignLive technical issues, please contact: [email protected]